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No, @pauld, just HTML/CSS/JS. mxWeb is a thin wrapper intended to have the same API as true HTML and CSS, doing no more than wire them for Javelin-like data flow.
mxWeb API will be next write-up, I think, so the full TodoMVC is easier to parse.
@hiskennyness It looks like you have a competitor:
Thanks @hiskennyness Very interesting project.
I'd be curious to know if the deployed artifact (optimized main clojurescript file) would be any smaller compared to a typical react (reagent) project say for a todoMVC app.
@pauld Thx. I just did lein fig:min for the first time, dev-main.js is 551k if that helps. Where do reagent apps come in?
@henrik Nice find. I am putting you in charge of the mxWeb re-naming contest. 🙂
qlkit-todo-demo has a js file of 1.8M but it may be including a lot of other js libraries.
Well, I don't know what I'm talking about because using lein new reagent <app-name> and compiling using lein cljsbuil once min outputs a file of size 321K.
Also reagent seems to depend on these: [cljsjs/react "16.4.1-0"] [cljsjs/react-dom "16.4.1-0"] [cljsjs/react-dom-server "16.4.1-0"] [cljsjs/create-react-class "15.6.3-1"]]
I just tried the prod build Reagent has on the TodoMVC site and it fails. Bit rot, I presume.
I took out the mxXHR “lift” which add adverse event lookups to TodoMVC, down to 421k.
Ah, built right from the Reagent repo and TodoMVC builds fine. 302k. I have not given any thought to min size. It would be interesting to see where I am gaining all that weight.