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can someone speak to the idea of managing database entities via an isolated set of controls .. like an “interface of events”: profile/fetch, profile/fetched, profile/fetch-errored. parts of your app wanting that data go through your subscription, parts of your app that require that data can initialize a fetch, parts of the app that need to update that data do so through some profile/update event. is this a terrible idea?


what immediately strikes me is 1) nice to isolate data access / mutations in one place 2) consumers of this interface would most likely want hooks into post-update events…


if each major domain entity controls its own access, they could share a common interface on update such as dispatch [:entity-name/update {:before [:an-event] :after [:an-event] :data {:map-of-new "data"}}]


Is there additional configuration that is needed to add 10x to a projected generated with the lein new re-frame APP +10x +cider command? So far as I can tell, the template matches the instructions ( Presumably it is the latest release as it includes [cider.piggieback "0.3.5"]. Currently app-db is empty though it is correctly rendering "Hello from re-frame". Code tracing is not enabled in the Events tab, though has correctly rendered fn-traced instead of fn on the initialize-db event. Any insight would be appreciated... Here’s a screenshot -