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Mikko Harju04:02:32

@danielcompton Hmm, where can one see that information? I only have a key and value -pairs in subs panel


There's some debug info there for me, but there should be "Layer 2" or "Layer 3" on the RHS

Mikko Harju04:02:19

Oh, that seems way different from my version, was that updated just a while ago?

Mikko Harju04:02:38

I seem to have 0.1.14

Mikko Harju04:02:01

I think it will show as layer 2 since it was a raw deref of the app-db ratom?


the latest version is 0.1.18, you should update as there's lots of new stuff


yep it would be a layer 2 from that

Mikko Harju05:02:14

Will do 🙂 Thanks for the info!


Say I want to suppress the error message when a user is editing a field. Is there some way to check whether the field has the focus, short of resorting to updating a bit of state via on-focus/on-blur handlers?


@manutter51 I'd use on-focus/on-blur to update a bit of state


That's what I was thinking, just thought I'd check in case there was a more direct method.


I think there is a way using document.activeElement




but I'm not sure how well it plays with react


Thanks for the tip


@rnagpal I'm guessing you are new to all this, so three points ... 1. typically, it is considered bad form to call out anyone specifically in an IRC-ish context like this. Everyone is a volunteer giving of thier time for free. You ask your question and you takes your chances about who answers it, and when they do, or not. 2. Your question is not related to re-frame at all. It makes no sense for it to be in the re-frame channel ... perhaps try #clojurescript 3. You have asked a very poor quality (vague) question, which will almost guarentee that no one answers it. You'll benefit from reading this "classic", regarded by many as the the gold standard in advice on the subject of asking technical questions on the internet: Summary: Read the link. Get your question really crisp and clear, with all necessary detail. Ask it in the right place. Don't demand that someone answers it. I hope this helps.