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[ something like ? ]
@raymcdermott I just dispatch the event that the button triggers, all my click handlers are just 1-liners that look something like this: :on-click #(dispatch [::my/event])
One of the best parts about re-frame is that UI automation is super easy, you can even deliver these event vectors to the clients via a websocket to automatically test multiple browsers at the same time!
@raymcdermott fwiw, I’m excited about #etaoin
@raymcdermott we use it with headless chrome in a Docker container
@akiroz fair enough though I’m looking for a CI style approach so the @borkdude tech looks more appropriate
@akiroz but I do appreciate the click / event handler point - it’s indeed a nice part of the architecture
hi guys
I'm using re-frame for a project and I noticed that, when I launch it through the uberjar, it doesn't serve other static files than index.html
do you know how can I inspect this issue?
I created the project with lein new re-frame foo +test +handler +garden +trace +re-frisk +routes +aliases