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Isnt about re-frame it's about reagent
I love Lambda Island tutorials. I recently tried to replicate getting test.cljs working, from Episode 33… Did git clone
, and then lein cljsbuild once test
, and got this error.
Anyone have any ideas on how to get this running? Thank you!!!
Relevant error line is:
Caused by: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: No such namespace: doo.runner, could not locate doo/runner.cljs, doo/runner.cljc, or Closure namespace "doo.runner" in file /Users/genekim/src.local/tmp/ep33testcljs/test/testcljs/test_runner.cljs {:tag :cljs/analysis-error}
Argh… Wrong channel. sorry! Meant to post to #clojurescript. (I’m sure there are worse “wrong Slack channel” stories out there. But still, embarrassing!!! :)
@genekim TIL: Lamba Island is the name of an actual island!
using figwheel how would one setup the ring-handler to allow for html5Pushstate?