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I'm trying to use re-frame-test, but having throuble in a small/simple test. When I run this
(deftest login
(let [username "souenzzo"
password "123456"
authed? (rf/subscribe [:auth/authed?])]
(rf/dispatch-sync [::db/init db])
(fact "I'm not in!" @authed? => false)
(rf/dispatch [:app/login username password])
(rf-test/wait-for [:app.login/set-token]
(fact "I'm in!" @authed? => true)))))
I get Error handling response - class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'path' of com/intellij/openapi/vfs/impl/local/LocalFileSystemBase.findFileByPath must not be null
I've seen that error recently too, but not with ref-rame test
Are you running this on the JVM?
What happens with lein test?
I think it might be an IntelliJ error?
Sanity checking myself here because of discussion with a coworker. is doing a (re-frame/dispatch )
inside a (re-frame/reg-sub )
a terrible idea or not?
my response was that subscriptions should be free of side effects, but apparently it's an established pattern in this code base to use this for side-loading missing resources
@plexus i guess as long as the subscription function is being called deterministically w.r.t. your use case it doesn't sound insane but distateful and prone to later problems
that said, it is actually written somewhere that sub functions should be free of side effects?
and couldn't you dispatch the event from the same place the subscription is being invoked from and be a bit less surprising?
it was my impression that subscriptions being pure functions is a key part of the architecture. You're right we could do it in the component.
if this was something that was somehow impossible any other way then... perhaps... but I struggle to see how it could be better than firing the event from same site as the subscription
@plexus might help you out...
There's a track effect which will automatically dispatch events when subscriptions update
I would say it's two-fold. (1) it's more intentional, (2) you don't have a lot of control or expectation about if & when the subscription code may be run
our use case is we want to perform an effect (evaluate code via a web worker) when a view is scrolled into the view but also cache that result so we only evaluate it once.
to me it seems more intensional and in the spirit of re-frame to expose it at the point of use, rather than burying it in the subscription where it is depending on the current behaviour of the subscription framework code
are you talking about caching whether the event has been fired for some set of arguments?
surely that can be derived from the db state, i.e. if you've already side-loaded a particular resource you can ignore the event
i suspect that's pretty cheap depending on the actual value of "a lot" but you'd need to profile it yourself to be sure
look if it were me I would do 'the right' way and see how it worked in practice. the attach-to-sub thing feels like a hack. I'd fall back to that if in practice the other way didn't work out
(fn [db [_ msgs]]
(debugf "state/msgs handler: %s" msgs)
; (update db :pers #(conj % (vector (js.Date.))))
(assoc db :wsmsg msgs))
`Hello, I would like to run 2 function from a re-frame handler.. but in every case, just run one.. what I did wrong?
@sb The statement (update db :pers #(conj % (vector (js.Date.))))
does not change db
as db
is immutable. That line returns a new representation of the map
What you want to do is use the result of the first statement as the input to the second statement
If I want to implement drag-n-drop, what is the general strategy? Are there some examples of this? Or even libraries?
but i want to do it idiomatically, so i prefer not to directly touch the dom in some dirty way 🙂