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@macalimlim I would have thought the re-frame docs themselves would have been a good place to start


All organised ina tutorial style


Are there any demos about how to do polling ajax(control repeatedly make a same ajax request) with re-frame? Thanks.


use dispatch-later ?


Thanks. I'll try it.


I want to get a stock price every 3seconds when they are on trading.


The simple example updates the clock every 1 second


ok. Thank you very much.


--------------------------- WARNING --------------------------- The re-frame-template has encouraged use of this construct:

(def debug?
  ^boolean js/goog.DEBUG)
The idea being that one could use debug? to trigger Dead Code Elimination (DCE) in :advanced builds But a bug in recent version of CLJS means this code doesn't work. So you need to make a subtle adjustment:
(def debug? 
   ^boolean goog.DEBUG)     ;; remove the leading js/


David Nolen just reduced the bug to "minor" importance, so it probably won't get fixed any time soon, if ever:




The template itself has been updated BUT if you have already generated a project from it, you'll have to manually update the generated code.


(def debug?
  ^boolean goog.DEBUG)

Oliver George03:05:57

Just used :async-flow for the first time. Loved it.

Oliver George03:05:56

My use case wasn't for boostrapping.

Oliver George03:05:51

I had a event handler which needed to fetch various bits of data before it could do some processing. :async-flow gave me a simple state machine style way of coordiating those activities.


@olivergeorge ah, thanks. Always good to get successful feedback. I've always felt async-flow should have been useful to lots of people.

Oliver George03:05:40

🙂 Preparing data for handlers seems like a good use case to me.

Oliver George03:05:27

It's too early for any serious feedback but two things felt kind of odd - not that I see better solutions. 1) needing unique event-ids for the state machine steps, 2) passing data between the handlers involved.

Oliver George03:05:49

1) wasn't a problem this time but feels like it could be

Oliver George03:05:14

2) made me wonder if some complementary cofx might be helpful.

Oliver George03:05:36

e.g. do two AJAX GETs and use them in handler.

Oliver George03:05:11

the only way to pass the data is putting it in app-db but it's kind of private data so that feels odd.


Hello! I am looking for a way to register an unhandled error handler in re-frame or reagent. The idea is that when any unhandled error occurs, a user friendly message is displayed. is there a standard way of doing this? Thanks!


thank you @souenzzo, reading now


unfortunately, i am not seeing anything related to how errors play into interceptor execution


ah, apparently this is work in progress