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@eveko Did you figure out your problem? The first argument of a reg-event-fx
is not the db, but a map of coeffects, which contains the db. Changing [db [_ logindata]]
to [{:keys [db]} [_ logindata]]
should work.
@hkjels possibly because (take) produces a lazy sequence. See for more.
Morning guys. I'm a bit curios if there is an http-xhrio implementation equivalent for cljs-http. It seems fairly straight forward to do, but has somebody done the work already?
I am trying to translate this bit of JS logic to re-frame and cljs:
var osd = OpenSeadragon({
id: "openseadragon1",
prefixUrl: "vendor/js/openseadragon-bin-2.2.1/images/"});
Aside from invoking cljs equivalent code, I am wondering where to put that code. It needs to run once, at the beginning of the lifecycle of the re-frame app, but references an element by id that must already be rendered.hmm, I seem to be able to reference the id "openseadragon1" even though it is generated in my reframe views
so the issue seems to be that I need to do some initialization stuff for that var, but can't do that in the viewer.core init
Not sure if I understand, but:
On reagent/react you can pass [:div {:id "abc" :ref callback}]
where callback
is a function that receives one argument, that argument was the element.
so now I have these callback handlers:
(defn add-osd-handlers []
(.addHandler js/osd "open" osd-open-success)
(.addHandler js/osd "open-failed" osd-open-failure))
(defn render-file
(let [id "textarea"
txt @(subscribe [:app/text-area])
settings @(subscribe [:app/editor-settings])
args (clj->js settings)]
(reagent/create-class {:component-did-mount (fn [e]
(let [el (aget e id)]
(doto (.fromTextArea js/CodeMirror el args)
(.on "change" #(dispatch [:app/save-file (.getValue %)])))))
:render (fn [this]
[:div [:textarea {:value txt
;; when it render first time, will call :ref fn
:ref #(aset this id %)}]])})))
My use case. I also not really sure if it's the "right way", but works fine. If you find something "better", please share 🙂
I need to attach a handler to that component that indicates that shouldComponentUpdate: false
or something akin to that.
possibly, having the node subscribe to a value that never changes could do it, according to my understanding of
Hi. There is this project called RealWorld, which is sort of like a more complete (and fullstack) TodoMVC example app
As an exercise, I have started a re-frame implementation at
I am no expert in cljs or re-frame, though, so if anyone has some spare time and wants to review it, I'd appreciate it
great idea
what other famous example apps are there?
TodoMVC, Java's Pet Store
hi all , does anyone here know how to implement the android part of this react-native-plugin ( ) in re-frame
i know it mentions only if i did not use the link command manually , just not sure if that applies to re-frame or not, referring to this statement [Manually register module in (if you did not use react-native link)]
might be better to ask in #cljsrn
what does d-vec
represent here:
(fn [q-vec d-vec]
[(subs/subscribe [:a-sub])
(subs/subscribe [:b-sub])])
(fn [[a b] [_]] {:a a :b b}))
Now that you can subscribe within a form-1 component, there aren't too many use cases left for dynamic parameters
as your standard parameters become dynamic