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Yeah, I see what you mean.
I think my design pattern is to have helpers return data which can be composed into a new-fx response by the fx handler. (so not threading).
(defn qn-form-load-fx
[{:keys [db] :as ctx} [_ pk]]
(let [form (qn-form/init-questionnaire-form ctx pk)
req (qn-form/questionnaire-get ctx pk)]
{:db (assoc db :qn-form/form form
:page/loading true)
:ajax/get (assoc req
:handler [:init-questionnaire-form-response]
:error-handler [:ajax/error])}))
e.g. helpers in let then build responseThat should separate data/logic from app state management and behaviours
How come a data-structure is just fine when I inspect it at the REPL, but when I take
from it in a handler it renders a bunch of empty elements?
What @qqq is saying is that you might need to give us some more information for us to help you