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Is ist possible to create a cursor to a component, which I could save in the re-frame db, instead of the whole component?


@danielgrosse what do you mean by "cursor to a component"?


having been away from 0.6.0 to 0.9.2, what happened to the need to use reagent.atom/reaction inside subscription handlers? or is that still a thing? (i don't see it in the README anymore)


@pandeiro: Lots has changed since then - read through first, probably worth reading through the new README and docs as well. Huge improvements and it's a lot nicer to use now.


thanks @shaun-mahood I've been doing that in bits and pieces; this was just one major change that I didn't see specifically explained anywhere


I'll keep reading though


(and I agree, the API is nicer for it!)


yup, just got there 🙂 thanks shaun


@pandeiro: If you're interested in watching video on it, I think you might find something useful in my talk from the last conj - although it was meant for everyone, my own context came from learning 0.6 -> 0.9 and so most of it should be pretty relevant for your own path (though I haven't been able to bring myself to actually watch it yet, so I can't guarantee the quality... 🙂 )


thanks that sounds like a good investment -- the link to the develop branch's docs (in that same 0.8.0 changelog item) is a little bit 😮 just b/c of how much stuff there is there


Yeah there's a lot there - the changes have been pretty amazing as far as how much they've improved the few main issues I ran into with 0.6, but the fundamentals are still very much the same. It was a pretty impressive amount of work that Mike and Daniel put in.


Hey all. I"m trying to figure out how to pass query-params to my panels I have the router setup as such

(defroute "/job/:job" [job]
    (re-frame/dispatch [:set-active-panel :job-panel]))
The only way I can think to past job-id to my db atom and access it from there, but that has obvious race conditions. I feel like I'm missing something obvious


@danielcompton @mikethompson @shaun-mahood Have you thought about adding an option to use Datascript as the app-db? How difficult would it be to implement?


There is We've thought about it, but have no particular need for it ourselves. It would be fairly easy to swap out app-db for datascript, you would just make a new reg-event-ds function which injects your datascript db and applies modifications after the event. It doesn't even need to be part of re-frame core, as all of the raw primitives are there for you.


So I'm still confused on how to pass query params to my view, can anyone explain this to me, please/


I have tried adding the job to the dispatch, as such

(defroute "/job/:job" [job]
    (re-frame/dispatch [:set-active-panel :job-panel job]))
but I'm unable to access it using (re-frame/subscribe :active-panel) I really feel like I"m missing somthing obvious