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I hit an issue where trying to clear handlers broke the ability to reload my application
Mostly just to avoid the ton of warning output about handlers and subs being overwritten -- there was no other functional reason to clear them
question regarding re-frame-async-flow-fx: why events in rules specified as keywords (event ids) but full event vectors?
use case: I need to do 10 sequential http puts which differs only in one field in payload (passed as event parameter), and once those succeed do some other http put
@pandeiro that sounds like what this issue is about:
@campeterson for login redirects, I wrote a macro that wrapped my defroutes, to check for the current-user and redirect to "/" the "/" redirect handles it from there.
(defmacro user-route
[name path let-expr & body]
`(secretary.core/defroute ~name ~path ~let-expr
(let [cu# (re-frame.core/subscribe [:current-user])]
(if (deref cu#)
(do ~@body)
(accountant.core/navigate! (str "/?return-to=" ~path))))))
does that help much?since it's all client-side, redirecting to "/" and then letting that route do auth / etc seemed all gain and no pain 🙂
i have an effect that fetches data from a server, and naturally if i run it over and over the latest response isn't always the latest requests. since my API library returns channels i can store the channels in app-db and close them whenever the event fires that dispatches the effect...