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Here's a question I havn't seen or considered before: How do you setup a http request to download a file from re-frame? Is it possible? Is there an fx handler for it?
@escherize Hmm, l'm not sure what part of this would be specific to re-frame. I think the most common way to download a file is to just use a html link. Could you give a more specific example of what you want to do?
Yeah, we are using a link as it is. 🙂 Ideally I'd have (dispatch [:xxx]) -> download a file. but the way it is now we use a bit of html to provide a link to click that sends the request that does it.
escherize: What kind of request is that? It's not just an attribute on the html element?
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ file-url]]
{:db db
:http-xhrio {:headers {:Authorization (str "token " EXAMPLE_TOKEN)}
:uri file-url
:method :get
:timeout 8000
:response-format (json-response-format {:keywords? true})
:on-success [:println "file downloaded"]
:on-failure [:identity]}}))
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch [:download-file ""])} “download”]
I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be more difficult than this simple snippet 🙂
@escherize dyu mean your re-frame app is serving the file, or you want your app to download the file to the local filesystem or memory ?
ha ha yeah I know it works — on my machine at least ^_^
hm. When I have (enable-re-frisk!)
, then nothing gets rendered at all in ios safari.
there are some strange 404 errors in ios safari console:
Does anyone run cljs code in ios safari? I’m not sure, but it seems it just loads resources in a random order and I get errors because of this, different set of errors on every page reload.
@negaduck i run cljs code on ios safari and cordova+wkwebview
i haven't seen any errors like that though
@mccraigmccraig, I love cordova, used to play with cljs code in it. It worked flawlessly a while ago.
does it work ok if you do some cljs optimisations ? :simple
or :whitespace
i.e. concatenate all the js
mccraigmccraig, it works if I do $ lein cljsbuild min once
, it does :optimizations :advanced
no, dev builds are normally :optimizations :none
for speed and so that cljs reloading works - but :none
produces one output js for each input cljs
mccraigmccraig, btw I configured cordova to get resources from webserver on my laptop so 1. I didn’t have to rebuild the app and 2. figwheel worked — that was awesome
sounds interesting @negaduck - can you point to any docs on how to do that ?
i could have done with that yesterday - i do most of my debugging in chrome, but i had to debug some cordova local file handling
@mccraigmccraig, it’s mainly <content src="redirect.html" />
in config.xml + <allow-intent href="*" />
that looks interesting