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@nrako I haven't had much luck customizing typeahead
I think it may need some work
I'm happier using
here's how to use it from reagent:
@pesterhazy thanks for the note. Will check it out...
hello. I’m trying to write an interceptor. This doesn’t work: (defn check-spec-interceptor [s] (re-frame/after (s/assert :db/good-state s)))
. I get an error: re-frame: when registering :initialize-db, got a function instead of an interceptor. Did you provide old style middleware by mistake?
There is a re-frame/->interceptor
, but I don’t understand how to use it.
never mind, made this work: (def check-spec-interceptor (re-frame/after #(s/assert :theproject.db/good-state %)))
How to make sure only given keys are in spec? I have (s/def ::good-state (s/keys :req-un [::name ::active-panel]))
and it doesn’t complain when the state also has :whatever true
@negaduck!topic/clojure/fti0eJdPQJ8 Specifically, Alex Miller’s response using s/merge for s/keys and s/map-of
(s/def ::my-map2 (s/merge (s/keys :req [::a ::b]) (s/map-of #{::a ::b} any?)))
(s/explain ::my-map2 {::a 1 ::b 2 ::BAD 3})
In: [:user/b] val: 2 fails spec: :user/b at: [:user/b] predicate: string?
In: [:user/BAD 0] val: :user/BAD fails spec: :user/my-map2 at: [0] predicate: #{:user/a :user/b}