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@akiroz I think it's possible since IIRC re-frisk can show you the registered event handlers
mind you it means poking about inside re-frame.registrar
to access the atom in there
I keep getting:
{:http-xhrio {:method :delete
:uri (str server-url "/api/signals/" uuid)
:timeout 20000
:request-format (json-request-format)
:on-failure [:datahub/bad-response]}
:db db}
Uncaught Error: ["unrecognized request format: " nil]
What is this?Is (json-request-format)
returning nil?
@borkdude: There's some info in the todomvc example - I'm not sure if there's anything better or more up to date though, I've been a bit out of the loop on the most recent docs changes.
I have isolated the problem to:
(ajax/ajax-request {:method :delete
:uri "/api/signals/e6ff5cf2-e484-11e6-a243-0242ac110003"
:timeout 20000
:handler (fn [[ok response]] (println response))
:response-format (json-response-format {:keywords? true})})
@manutter51 it doesn’t matter if I provide the response-format or not. It complains about the request format.
should be :format
, DOH! That is actually not the first time I’ve had this with cljs-ajax
are there any examples out there where published es6 components(those that extend React.Component) have been used in reagent/re-frame. I am having a really difficult time finding one. Without this I'd just be forced into using the traditional javascript to build the app which i really dont want to do.
@rohit where are you running into trouble?
with reagent, use [:> js/MyReact.Component {:prop1 :val1 :prop2 :vl2} child1 child2 ...]
if the component expects a callback that returns an element, use r/as-element
many components are already packaged in cljsjs
be careful to pass in javascript arrays/objects etc instead of vectors/maps, if the component expects a collection
be aware of externs when you're using adv compilation
that's all there is to it really
I'm just looking for examples really this is good
did not know about [:>]
@rohit_, as an example check this gist I just created:
it shows how to use the (excellent) react-select component
this is good