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@qqq yeah, it is quite amazing how straight forward widgets can be to create these days. I'm an older programmer and I can remember when a tree widget (non HTML) could only be written by a select few. They were normally provided via BIG companies via "toolkits" like QT or MFC.
@mikethompson: what's even crazier is how short (and I'm sure it can be made shorter) an impl is:
(gm/c-defn make-elem-vlist [s-atm ind path lst]
(pprint {:ind ind :path path :lst lst})
:children (into []
(for [item lst]
[make-elem s-atm ind path item]))])
(gm/c-defn make-elem [s-atm ind path [item lst]]
(pprint {:ind ind :path path :item item :lst lst})
(let [nm (:name item)
k (:key item)
pad (apply str (repeat ind " "))]
(if (empty? lst)
:class "mainSidebarItem"
:label (str pad "* " nm)
:style {:font-family "Monospace"
:white-space "pre"}
:on-click (fn [& rst] (reset! s-atm (conj path k)))]
(let [expanded? (reagent.core/atom false)]
(fn []
(let [header [re-com.core/label
:label (if @expanded?
(str pad "- " nm)
(str pad "+ " nm))
:style {:font-family "Monospace"
:white-space "pre"}
:class "mainSidebarItem"
:on-click (fn [& rst] (swap! expanded? not))]]
(if-not @expanded?
:children [header
[make-elem-vlist s-atm (+ ind 1) (conj path k) lst]]])))))))
having just successfully done my first basic re-frame demo, I'm curious as to a business need we have -- drag and drop. Is it possible? If so, any proofs of concept out there?
@joshjones: when you figure this out, can you DM me the solution too?
Ah.. I’ve tried to roll my own a number of times but not been satisfied with what I ended up with… getting drag and drop working across browsers is a pain point for sure.
@qqq: To answer your re-com question above re centering multiple components around a horizontal line (, refer to the following code:
:gap "20px"
;; :align :center
:children [[box
:width "100px"
:height "60px"
:style {:background-color "yellow"}
:child ""]
:md-icon-name "zmdi-star"
:on-click #()]
:label "THREE"
:model true
:on-change #()]]]
Rendering the code above will align the components at the top of the h-box
. Now, uncomment the :align :center
line and you'll see what you were after.
@mikethompson re-frame-storage working fine so far :thumbsup:
@sandbags I am working on a buddy-authenticated re-frame SPA, too. Not using JWT, just plain old session cookie. Unfortunately not open source. I could share some mechanics privately, though.
@ska you may want a more generic :location effect
@danielcompton So you suggest returning {::location "/logout"}}
instead of {{::logout-fx true}}
And while I am at it, is this the supposed way of doing AJAX calls? I've been hand-rolling my own but would replace them with this library if that is more idiomatic.
It's just one way you can do it, not canonical
@ska thanks, it would be interesting to hear a little more about the flow of your app thanks
In the context of using boot, as well as adzerk/boot-reload
, how should re-frame 0.9's new function clear-subscription-cache!
be used please?
@limist I don’t think you’d call it during reloads or similar if that’s what you’re asking
@martinklepsch Ah, that's what/how I thought it would be used; so is it simply not needed w/ boot, or...?
@limist I think I might be wrong. You should call them in reloads. Consult the boot-reload docs for how to do that
In the re-frame simple example line 67 (, this code is given:
(defn color-input
"Time color: "
[:input {:type "text"
:value @(rf/subscribe [:time-color])
:on-change #(rf/dispatch [:time-color-change (-> % .-target .-value)])}]])
This component returns basic hiccup and not a rendering function, thus, it will be called many times during its life cycle. Doesn’t this mean that (rf/subscribe …)
will be called many times also? And if so, isn’t this problematic?@joshjones subscriptions are cached. The subscribe
call this time will just pick up the subscription created last time.
great, good to know @mikethompson — pardon my newbish question, but then is the primary benefit of form 2 over form 1 that setup code which is unnecessary to run each time, is only run once in form 2, prior to returning the renderer?
Yes, that's right. Also Form-2 alloews the renderer to close over local state
typically stored in a ratom