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hi, does anyone have any tricks they use for re-rendering a component when its size changes?


context: i'm drawing an svg which takes width and height to make it fill its container. the container is a cell in a material grid, so it will resize when the window resizes


i can use r/track for the window size, but not the component size (because i don't have a dom element to track outside the lifecycle methods)


@oliy Couldn't you just re-render on screen resize?


force a re-render you mean? and calculate the size within the render method?


@akiroz i was hoping there was a way i could run a function which would take "this" (like lifecycle methods get) and push the new dimensions into a ratom


i could add that as an event listener on the window but then i'm not sure how to unlisten when the component is unmounted,


@oliy with re-frame, you probably want an event handler that runs on screen resize, and pushes your element's dimensions into the app-db then you'd have your component subscribe to that dimension and render accordingly


I'm playing around with making window width a cofx


the problem with that @akiroz is that i don't have a reference to the component's dom node (which i need to measure to get the dimensions) in a generic event handler


@oliy with a type-3 component you can get and keep a reference to the DOM node in :component-did-mount


:component-did-mount (fn [ref] (let [dn (reagent/dom-node ref)] ... ))


@oliy Um... I think you can attach the window resize handler inside your type-3 component and pass a ref to the re-frame event handler using a closure:

(fn [this]
  (.addEventListener js/window "resize"
    #(dispatch [:window-resize (reagent/dom-node this)])))


but you may have to clean up the event handler when your component unmounts


@akiroz i think when you came to unlisten on unmount it would be a different function (not equal to the original in component-did-mount

(fn [this]
  (.addEventListener js/window "resize"
    #(dispatch [:window-resize (reagent/dom-node this)])))
 (fn [this]
  (.removeEventListener js/window "resize"
    #(dispatch [:window-resize (reagent/dom-node this)]))) ;; <-- this anon. fn is not the same as the one above


yeah, you might have to put that function somewhere else.


i'd still need to partial it with this and i think i'd have the same problem


well, i wouldn't have this outside the closure


right.... that wouldn't work...


@oliy (let [owr (fn [e] ...) dn (atom nil)] {:component-did-mount (fn [ref] (reset! dn (reagent/dom-node ref) (.addEventListener js/window owr)) ... })


that seems a bit evil @mccraigmccraig, don't you think?


or, unidiomatic at least 🙂


i considered that but i thought there must be a better way...


which bit are you thinking is evil ?


storing the dom-node in a local state atom


doesn't feel very react-y


lol don't react people use this.setState() for pretty much everything? xD


well you are going to have to store it somewhere for times when you don't have access to the ref


i looked at reagent.impl.component/*current-component* but it wasn't bound when i called it, that also feels like i should steer clear of it


if you don't need it in the render i imagine you can use reagent/dom-node in the other callbacks which do get the this


I guess every framework has a few corner use cases... I've been scratching my head for a few days a while back when I have some derrived state that I need to access in both my view and events.


ok thanks guys you've given me some ideas

Pablo Fernandez19:11:40

When designing an API, on a validation error or some other kind of rejection, do you return a 200 or a 400? 400s seems more appropriate, but in a re-frame app, 200s call one function while 400s and 500s call another, which means that two expected paths are broken apart and one is mixed with an exceptional path.


i thought about this for a minute @pupeno then realised i do all my validation client-side and am ok with any validation failures from the API being handled as errors

Pablo Fernandez19:11:08

mccraigmccraig how do you validate the uniqueness of an email on the client?


ask the server!


but, i do have some cases where i return status inside a 200 response


e.g. if an email fails to send for some upstream reason that will return a description of the failure in a 200

Pablo Fernandez19:11:48

ok, so you return errors (not exceptions) in a 200.

Pablo Fernandez19:11:10

Whether they are rare or not, the code to deal with them has to exist, so, their frequency is not important.


when the client is expected to be able to deal with them as part of normal flow, yes


@pupeno It really depends if you need a REST complient API... Most of my servers has a single web-socket endpoint and a fallback HTTP endpoint.


This way, your client can be more flexable about what it's allowd to ask for even if you don't use fancy stuff like graphQL

Pablo Fernandez19:11:44

I don’t need to be REST compliant. I’m writing both the client and the servere.