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haha. I feel that after you start working re-frame for a bit it's inevitable to have functions like that
@shaun-mahood since assoc
takes multiple key-val pairs, couldn’t you just do :db (assoc db :foo 42 :bar 1)
@yury.solovyov @shaun-mahood also merge
, into
@nikp yep, although for me after working with re-frame for a while I realized that subscriptions and handlers were overkill for most things I'm doing and instead just use reagent/cursors.
I finally took some time to update projects to 0.8 new apis...I'm loving the new abstractions, they feel so natural ❤️
@nilrecurring very good to hear!
@mikethompson what do you think about some more sugar over basic subs? E.g.
(reg-basic-sub :active-page)
;; Equivalent to
(reg-basic-sub :active-page :active-page)
;; Equivalent to
(fn [db [_ k]]
(k db)))
I just checked out the reframe-utils minilib a couple of messages up there ^
Not keen that it be added to re-frame itself, but can obviously be made available via a utils library
Yep, my point was exactly about avoiding another dependency 🙂
@andre Hey that looks great. "re-frisk" I'm feeling slightly cautious about googling for that. Some images can't be unseen 🙂
@mikethompson thanks, so do you think i should think about better name?
No, i think it is great. Just joking about.
So, using data-frisk underneath?
And that reg-view
macro must inspect the view and pluck out the subscriptions
Certainly proves the concept
The challenges will come in bigger applications where there is an overwhelming number of views (many not showing currently)
But this is well worth persuing
For the longest time I've wanted to "turn debugging re-frame into a data visualization problem"
You've no doubt read this:
views "registered" only then rendered, so, (not showing currently) will not shoung in re-frisk
Explains the 4 dominoes of flow
Oh, I see. So it is showing a pruned tree of views
Let me ask that again for clairty: So only those views currently rendered are in data frisk explorer?
unfortunately not, they added then rendered, but stayed after unmount, i think about removing it from explorer after unmount.
i didn't see the debugging page, i don't know why 😞 is this something like my lib but using clj-devtools ?
No, not really. Same ballpark, but different.
But, given you mentioned "flow" it seemed like somethin you might be interested in
I have to go and jump on a plane
Talk later