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Hi. Are there examples of "feature-rich" re-frame apps which make use of websockets, implement file uploads, authorization etc?


@andrewboltachev: i have one... corporate chat app with mobile deployment to iOS and android on cordova, websockets for in-app notifications, camera access, picture upload, JWT auth...


I want to show some stacked bar graphs, anyone got recommendations for something easy to integrate that plays well with re-frame/reagent?


@mccraigmccraig I guess it's not open source though..?


@mccraigmccraig Anyway awesome! Does it feel more like out-of-the box or you still have to add much effort to put all the pieces together?


@andrewboltachev: it's not out-of-the-box - re-frame/reagent gives you a way of managing app-state and rendering... you will need libs for other things


that's pretty much par for the clojure/script course though, so it's no different to any other clojure/script project really


@mccraigmccraig Thanks! I've been looking at number of CLJ/S frontend/full-stack solutions, but and re-frame seems to be the right choice out there for me now.


@andrewboltachev: fwiw re-frame is the best UI dev experience i've ever had


However, getting the data into the chart is proving a bit tricky.


looks like somehow the values are somehow children of the component in the draw-weight-graph?


ok, so I got it more or less working following the pattern from!topic/clojurescript/rGcBOvLOhm4 However, I have one remaining issue. When the data changes in the chart I get another svg added to the element div, instead of replacing the element that used to be in the div.


I think the basic problem here is that morris adds a new to the :element div each time .Bar is called. What should occur is that the existing chart should be updated (call setData on the chart) or the containing div should be emptied and a new chart created.