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error I'm getting after running figwheel:
@gadfly361: The error messages are insane
yeah, not arguing there. i just made a new app from scratch - lein new re-frame todomvc
and then ran lein figwheel dev
and everything worked for me. did you you any profiles when you made your app from the template?
figwheel should make that for you when run the command, so is a weird error message to get
@gadfly361: seems like david nolen disagree with me when it comes to error messages
i think everyone has a different tolerance/expectation for error messages, kind of a subjective battle. in my opinion, i am eagerly waiting for them to be improved and i think alex miller is working on that for an upcoming release (if my reddit memory serves)
yeah, if you do figure out the error message, could be useful to add here:
i think it is following Elm's lead which does something similar and their error messages are amazing
I'm really close to change my focus to elm actually. Their error messages are outstanding
yeah, Elm is a very good option imo. i plan to explore it more too - curious how the new 0.17 version is going to play out. seems like their community is at the tipping point of getting a lot bigger (relatively speaking)
@gadfly361: we are not expected to run lein figwheel before making any chances, right?
that said, when namespaces are moved around and such, i restart figwheel or wait to start figwheel
@lewix: also, if stuff just randomly stops working for no apparent reason… I sometimes find restarting figwheel and re-freshing fixes… Stuart Sierra has a talk about pitfalls of auto-update where I learned that this was a known issue.
re error messages, it depends on your experience. More experienced people in an ecosystem prefer verbose stack traces (which are especially valuable in production). For newcomers that can be a problem tho.
@gadfly361: @fasiha that was a bug with fighweel that the maintainer is currently working on
@roberto: it's not a matter of verbosity - it's a matter of quality - the quantity of the error messages doesn't make it good
i personally find the error messages ok, but I have to admit I come from a java background, so the stack traces look very familiar
default: friendly, and we should have the ability to determine how verbose we want it
also worth watching
@roberto: I pointed the error and nobody could figure it out solely based on the stack trace; even though I'm new to the ecosystem most errors messages I came across so far have been bread crumbs. I had to start from scratch before spotting it one line at the time. I later reported it, and apparently it's a bug that has to do with figwheel where an initial exception does not get reported. Again, my point is not about having pretty messages, my point is about putting more emphasis on having relevant error messages
i probably have a higher tolerance because of my experience with other java libraries. Elasticsearch is particularly deceiving in its error messages
plus, this my show my age, but installing linux on a laptop back in the mid 90s, trying to figure out what the errors meant (if we got the chance to see any) was lots of fun
@roberto: oh I shed a tear reading this, I started with RedHat 6 or 7 I think. Hours spent staring at the monitor or waiting that someone was answering on a forum...
Heya guys.. I’m poking around the clojurians slack log and other reframe sources, but I dont see a clear solution for how to handle this problem: many features depend on a websocket connection, how do you hook each feature into a single connection once that connection is established? I can’t have a bunch of listeners wired up to [:connection-established], for example, because of the 1-1 nature of handlers/events.
It seems like a bad idea to have features subscribe to the db’s :is-connected
flag (or worse, put the connection into the db), and then invoke some sort of subscriber once the is-connected
appears. Or maybe that’s the idiomatic way to do it?
I’m also hesitant to just top-level-invoke some function that registers to another global subscribers []
or something like that, since top-level is supposed to be reserved for function names, and essentially only that.
The more I think about it, the more this seems like a more abstract question: how do you coordinate bootstrapping or time-sensitive ordering dependencies for things that don’t fit into the normal ‘reactive flow’ of event -> handler -> sub -> db
@lwhorton: maybe I did not understand very well but I will try... can't you dispatch an event when your websocket connects/receives something?
you init at the beginning but then what it does is just to dispatch
that's it
I can, but I guess that means my single handler for ‘connection made’ has to then “know” about every feature in the app that wants to use websockets.
Top-down versus hooking-up— it’s not unthinkable, it would just be nicer decoupling. I may have to look at something like mount
and just stay outside of reframe for this part.
uhm yes true, you would need to add a big case
in the handler
maybe in this case a core.async
channel would decouple better I guess
@lwhorton: here's how I do it: in app.db/default-db
map I have a slot :ws-socket nil
. In app.handlers
I have (and everyone who uses the lein-re-frame template should have) a handler for :initialize-db
. That's where I initialize the websocket (and send a couple of XHRs). Specifically I have something like:
(defn make-websocket [url on-message-fn]
(let [sock (js/WebSocket. url)]
(set! (.-onmessage sock) on-message-fn)
; ... then in the :initialize-db handler:
(-> db/default-db
(assoc :ws-socket (make-websocket
(str "")
#(r/dispatch [:websocket-message (-> % .-data)])))
; ...
So that creates a websocket object with a handler that just dispatches another handler, and sticks the websocket object in in app-db
and forgets about it
In my app, the server only sends data to the client, so whenever that happens, my :websocket-message
handler deals with the data.
People talk warmly about using sente in situations like this—generally I like to do things at least once 'manually' without a library (this is my first time using websocket), so I know what's going on, but the basic idea is the same: do these one-time async tasks in the :initialize-db
I see. thanks @fasiha - i looked at sente but unfortunately I dont have complete say over the server side.. meaning I got stuck with crossbar and wamp
I haven't done any client-to-server data movement, but I'd think that I'd start by making a single handler that sent data to the server (and which talks the websocket API), and other handlers/subscriptions dispatch that with whatever they want to send. It does require each part of the app that needs websocket to invoke that one handler, and might be too much complecting, but that's how I'd start
just for some contrast, I implemented a solution with mount that is fairly straightforward - a consumer registers a defstate init :start do-init
and takes a dependency on a websocket defstate conn :start make-conn
essentially keeps reframe out of it, which I think is a cleaner solution— use whatever you want on the fringes, and the touch-point between the ws and reframe is a simple handler that dispatches
we’ll see what other implications arise, but for now I think i like it better than involving the dispatch system and app db
Ah, interesting! I did mountify my code a little while ago too, I didn't realize one could use it that way
Hey all. I’ve got a function that makes a http request using cljs-http. Once I have the response I (dispatch) it which will eventually handle errors and success and put it into the atom. I want to test this function, but im not sure how to block until the result gets to the atom so that I can check the results. Does anybody have some pointers to a test for this?
I thought I could put the assertion in a go block but that makes the test async which could cause some issues I guess.
@underplank: you can dispatch-sync
mccraigmccraig: I dont think that solves the fact that the http request is async. It solves the async dispatch. I’ve found the async test macro that might help.
oh, i see - you will have to use a core.async channel, or a promise then... i tend to prefer promises for non-streaming operations like http requests
i've been using for promises and am very happy with it