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@martinklepsch: you could just copy it out
@jaen re-frame is looking at moving to not having global state, similar to pure-frame
@danielcompton: yeah considered that but not really something I like doing haha. Thought about how I should take the re-frame.router
and release it as ame
and come up with some funky acronym like "async message engine" 😄
we were considering making a library out of it, but it was just a little bit small at the time
could reconsider though
@danielcompton: makes perfect sense to me (now that I need it )
Hello. How can I view the slack archive for this channel? It seems I can only scroll back to Feb 5.
What's the recommended approach for integrating with a restful service which requires token authentication (need to store unique token which each response contains). I need to store the token and ensure that all requests requiring auth use the latest token(which changes with each response).
I'm using cljs ajax. I seem to be having non deterministic 401 when I start firing multiple ajax request quickly. My intuition is that multiple request dispatches are completing ajax response out of order and then setting an invalid token.
pretty interesting:
I'd think re-frame more or less follows the pattern the author lays out in the article. OTOH the author called redux "garbage" because it doesn't follow it closely enough ..
@jstaffans: Interesting talk. Not sure I grok certain parts
* actions are pure functions: data' = A(data)
* model is responsible for every state mutation: model.present(A(data))
* compute state from model: S(model.present(A(data)))
* compute next-action-predicate and execute action if any: S(model.present(A(data)), nap(M))
but yeah, I'm also not quite grokking it, especially the next-action-predicate part
Jaen: I believe it is a concurrency race also. I'm more or less at a loss of how to ensure linearisation of the ajax requests. :(
Well, I think this is entirely nontrivial - if you've ever read Aphyr's Call me Maybe series on disitrbuted systems you'll be aware how hard that is.
Jaen: well that makes me feel a little better knowing it's non trivial. I'll have to revisit those articles. And I'll have a think about your ideas.
Well, at least it feels non-trivial to me, I may be missing something. But given that the requests are asynchronous and can vary in the time it takes for them to be processed, they can overlap eachother, which means the tickets you get from the server will be not received in the order they are issued and if there's only one ticket active at a time (at least from your description I assume that's the case) it will mean the ticket can get invalidated before you can use it, resulting in intermittent errors.