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is there a way to debug this: #object[SyntheticKeyboardEvent [object Object]]
// #object[SyntheticEvent [object Object]]
without needing to install clairvoyant or clj-devtools?
That input component is producing empty events on the :on-change and I'm not super clear on why
But my events seem to be entirely null:
Anyone able to advise how to use lein ring uberjar
with a project created with the re-frame lein template?
I’ve tried added :hooks [leiningen.cljsbuild]
but lein appears to be attempting to compile CLJS twice, and the resultant uberjar contains sourcecode like project.clj, but app.js is returning a 404?
here is an example that works for me:
:profiles {:dev {:plugins [[lein-figwheel "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure
:dependencies [[reloaded.repl "0.2.1"]]
:env {:dev? true}
:repl-options {:init-ns user}
:source-paths ["dev" "src/zoom_recordings/server"]
:cljsbuild {:builds [{:source-paths ["src/zoom_recordings/ui"]
:figwheel true
:compiler {:output-to "target/classes/public/js/app.js"
:output-dir "target/classes/public/js/out"
:asset-path "js/out"
:optimizations :none
:recompile-dependents true
:main "zoom-recordings.ui.core"
:source-map true}}]}}
:uberjar {:aot :all
:omit-source true
:source-paths ["src/zoom_recordings/server"]
:main zoom-recordings.server.core
:prep-tasks ["compile" ["cljsbuild" "once"]]
:cljsbuild {:builds [{:source-paths ["src/zoom_recordings/ui"]
:jar true
:figwheel false
:compiler {:optimizations :advanced
:main ^{:skip-aot true} zoom-recordings.ui.core
:output-wrapper false
:asset-path "js/out"
:output-to "target/classes/public/js/app.js"}}]}}}
@roberto: far more basic than that; just one single commit on top of a lein reframe
generated template ->
@roberto: It would look like I’m missing something along the lines of : :output-to    "target/classes/public/js/app.js but reading around, I didn’t believe this kind of step was needed; using the target path 😕
@samueldev the null events might happen because of the react event pooling. Take a look at I can't see why it would affect you from your snippet though...
@roberto: cheers for your file. I’m reevaluating my approach now based on a combination of your, and the reagent + reframe templates.
@samueldev oh ok, good to know
@samueldev it turns out the quirk is due to the event pooling, because console log is asynchronous, and by the time it logs, the event has been recycled
@samueldev: Funny that I ran into this issue just Friday
Yeah... Y ran into a similar issue when building a debouncer, which needs to cache the event
@sam.roberton: yes, no problems for me