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I would like to link to a prior version of an attribute as defined in the prior version of my schema. There is owl:priorVersion which is used in lexinfo in this manner, however that usage seems to be incorrect as the domain and range of owl:priorVersion are both owl:Ontology . Is there some other well-known attribute which accomplishes this?

Bart Kleijngeld13:08:05

The way I read the OWL 2 recommendation, that's indeed not a suited choice. Section 5.5 describes all annotation properties, and I think you're right there's nothing suitable there. I'm interested in your case though. Could you elaborate why you want to do this?


I basically just wanted to document equivalence in a less strong way

Eric Scott17:08:38

Would any of the relationships discussed here make sense?


Thank you, @UB3R8UYA1. I think DCAT is probably the way to go.

👍 1

I’m not sure the dcat property is quite right :thinking_face: I think rdfs:seeAlso might be a little better and also carries less entailment baggage than the dcat property; though arguably the intention is for ?objects to provide more information about ?subjects; than for ?additional_properties to provide more information about them; which I think is closer to the intent you want… I’d be tempted to find something in prov-o:

🙏 1

Another question. Say I want to define my (non-ontology) RDF dataset as an rdf:type which one should I pick? I need something to attach metadata to.