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@rorysmith Sorry you're having that problem. I've never seen anything like that so I've no idea what to suggest. If you create a new project, add it to Atom (as the only project) and start a REPL, are you definitely getting a Clojure REPL (not a ClojureScript one) based on that project? i.e., you can require the main namespace in that project? Without changing anything at all, quit Atom, and start it back up and start the REPL exactly the same way -- if that works, but editing something between times breaks it, it pretty much has to be whatever edits you're making. If re-opening the same project with no edits and starting a Clojure REPL the exact same way fails the second time... I'm at a complete loss. I've no idea how that could even be possible.


thanks for your input @seancorfield i've opened an issue on github 🙂


it's definitely a Clojure REPL - the only file i am changing is core.clj - i'm not touching any other part of the project