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Drew Verlee22:03:22

@jr0cket what manages the clojure style rules (indentation, etc...)? Is it lsp or clojure or both?


Both CIDER and LSP can control the style rules, another example of cross-over between these two tools. Which tool does what depends how everything is configured... (which I dont fully understand myself) CIDER uses clojure-mode to manage what seems to be mostly indentation. clojure-mode has its own format engine or Clojure LSP uses cljfmt (its fairly hard-wired into clojure-lsp binary at present) and format rules and settings can be defined in .config/clojure-lsp/config.edn or if :cljfmt-config-path is set on config.edn then cljfmt rules can be defined in a separate file, e.g. .config/clojure-lsp/cljfmt.edn cljfmt seems to have the overall format of a clojure file, i.e. number of blank lines between code, etc.


Personally I use before finalising a commit to ensure consistency of formatting of all clojure files in the project. I also include cljstyle checks in the continuous integration workflow, using I use a that calls clj-kondo for syntax checks, cljstyle for format and kaocha to run unit tests


I minimise the rules in cljfmt as I prefer a little more flexibility I configure cljstyle to be very similar to the cljfmt rules and indentations

Drew Verlee02:03:52

@jr0cket i'll take a look tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion!