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Stephan Renatus19:07:38

I’ve had a chance to put portal into a docker file today, to add some visibility into what’s going on in a demo setup (non-clojure whatsoever). For that use case, is it possible to suppress the error on portal.api/open? I don’t want to open anything, since it’s running in a container, and I rely on the user browsing to themselves…. the is here.


Use portal.api/start instead of portal.api/open

Stephan Renatus19:07:28

that’s it? 😮


We do this at work for one of our processes (in dev, QA, and production), along with an nREPL server, so we can connect VS Code over a VPN to production and have Portal open inside VS Code connected to the remote server.

Stephan Renatus19:07:31

it works beautifully