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I bound portal to a specific interface (private ip-on-infiniband network) with the host option (port set to 5678); when I open the url, I get a blank page and this at the console:

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': The URL ':NaN/rpc?854b01b2-07ca-4129-80eb-3fbfb853d1d4' is invalid.
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at h1.j ()
    at h1.I ()
    at c1 ()
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at AQa ()
    at d1 ()
    at CNa ()
Note the NaN where the port should be. I'm happy to open an issue and/or do more debugging (later probably), if I'm not missing something known.


hmm, yeah; seems to expect the port to be included there, but not elsewhere (adding ":5678" to the end adds an extra one to the url portal prints)


So the code looks like?

(when host
  (str "window.PORTAL_HOST    = " (pr-str (str host ":5678")) ";"))


that'd be my guess, but it's your baby 😉 I'll try that patch in a bit if you haven't - need to run an errand