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Nim Sadeh16:05:58

Hello, not sure I installed Portal correctly. Here's my ~/.lein/profiles.clj file:

{:portal {:dependencies [[djblue/portal "0.55.1"]]}}
I am using a Calva/VSCode setup detailed here: When I run the command portal start (can be found here:, I get the following error:
Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at nrepl.middleware.interruptible-eval/evaluate$fn$fn (interruptible_eval.clj:87).
Could not locate portal/api__init.class, portal/api.clj or portal/api.cljc on classpath.
leading me to think that Portal isn't correctly installed. I tried using :dev as the profile as well but had no luck.

Nim Sadeh16:05:27

I needed to use the :user profile

👍 1

Good to know, I'll see about adding this to the docs 🙏