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Mateusz Mazurczak09:03:00

Hi, is there any guide/doc on connecting to portal via separate jvm/bb process? We have a lot of small processes like that, which starts and quickly system exit. Getting taps from those to one portal client would be nice. I have one separate process with portal running during all this time, but setting the same port for localhost seems not to connect to it when add-tap (portal.client.jvm) is run on separate jvm process 😕


There is a minimal bb example you should be able to tap values from the client repl to the server repl. We could start here to see why things aren't working for you 👌

Dieter Van Eessen21:05:20

you can run the portal server in any process you want: (org.httpkit.server/run-server portal.runtime.jvm.server/handler {:port ... :<other httpkit options> ...})