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Just discovered the :value option, and that I can have multiple portals open! One for normal taps and one for watching a big state atom, what a game changer!


This is how I have two Portal panels open in VS Code: one for REPL middleware results and logging; one for specific calls to tap> 🙂

Luke Johnson20:10:17

Hey all! @djblue (Portal’s creator) is giving a talk tomorrow on the Internals of Portal. I think he’s also planning on sharing some interesting use cases and how to potentially extend our Portal uses. I’m psyched about it! Hopefully you can join to and help make it a great presentation!

awesome 6
👀 5
💯 2

How do I watch? I'm not seeing a link on the meetup page (do I have to make an account maybe?)


ah; the "if you missed it" threw me off