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Cross-posting this here: Easier-than-print dataflow tracing to tap> and Portal with automatic last-input function replay on eval, instant re-render and effortless extraction of traced data


Hi 👋 , Playback is pretty sweet from what I've seen so far. I've run into a issue a few times though where not everything is printed? (see attached). I have a test assertion that I can't get to print at all. Wrapping it in a do block doesn't work either, though I can get it to print the args.

#> (map ordered-decs :ordered-decimal/rank) ;; broken
(do #> (map ordered-decs :ordered-decimal/rank)) ;; also broken
(map #> ordered-decs :ordered-decimal/rank) ;; works great


So sorry, I just realized that I'm stupid and that's why it doesn't work 😂. Now this is a feature note lol. It doesn't print "Exception" when the contained expression throws.


My favourite kind of issue report – the self-resolving one 😁 (Hello 👋 and thanks, I'm glad you like it.)


This is still a good hint though to take a closer look at how Playback+Portal+Debux handle that sort of thing, and make sure there are no weird silent "what's going on here" kinda failures. I've made a note and will play around and think about it when I get a chance.


haha mine as well. usually is faster for all parties involved 🙂. Thanks!

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