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Hello 👋 If anybody is using Portal together with Emacs and Cider, I've put together a for interacting with Portal through Emacs. It's quite easy to grasp the pattern and extend it, if you want additional functionality.


I actually had but I stopped using portal as much because it didn't work well with the project I was working on Might be a good prompt to improve it...


I usually just tap> directly in the code, or by using cider-tap-sexp-at-point. This script is more to avoid having to switch focus from Emacs to Portal in the web browser. That's also why it's a hydra-mode, because I can enter it using C-; and mostly do j and k for up/down, TAB and backtab to cycle viewer and i and h to navigate a tree structure.

👍 2

Very cool 💯 Setting the filter from emacs isn't something I've seen before awesome


@U043RSZ25HQ if you don't mind me asking, what kind of issues did you run into with portal in your project?


They're not portal related, it was just a messy project. Very brittle, lots of dependant state. What I've used portal on it's extremely useful 🙂