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Sam Ritchie16:06:51

@djblue does a LaTeX viewer exist yet, using or mathjax?


Not that I am aware of


Is this something you are interested in building?

Sam Ritchie21:06:22

Yeah I’m going to give it a go and see if I can get something basic working


Awesome! Let me know if you run into any issues 👍

Sam Ritchie22:06:58

This is close @djblue

(ns emmy.portal.tex
  (:require ["katex" :as k]
            [portal.ui.api :as p]))

(defn tex [text]
     (.renderToString katex text
                      #js {:throwOnError false
                           :displayMode true})}}])

 {:name :emmy.portal/tex
  :component tex
  :predicate (constantly true)})
and then load via
(-> (io/resource "emmy/portal/tex.cljs")

awesome 2

I think an issue you might run into is that strings don't support metadata :thinking_face:

Sam Ritchie22:06:58

that stops me from sending a default, but once this is working I can render Emmy expressions (which carry metadata) this way with the rpc call approach

💯 2
Sam Ritchie22:06:42

that works but weirdly keeps the original text in there too


Any errors in the console?

Sam Ritchie22:06:05

I bet I’m missing some CSS like last time

👍 2
Sam Ritchie22:06:37

no errors, but the second form is katex-html and has that aria-hidden true flag

Sam Ritchie22:06:35

there we go, works with css

🚀 2

I'm really happy the npm integration is just working awesome

Sam Ritchie22:06:23

it’s amazing

Sam Ritchie22:06:44

so either we require npm install katex here or inject the JS into the header


Are you saying for downstream users?

Sam Ritchie22:06:53

Yeah that’s right


Yeah, I think those two work for now 👍 I think in the future it might be cool if npm deps (only the modules your code needs) could be embedded into your jar :thinking_face: Users wouldn't need npm or be connected to the internet after the jar is downloaded


That plus something like self-hosted cljs or cherryjs and most of Portal itself becomes an extension to some minimal bootstrap code to get everything kicked off


For example here is Portal hosting (via sci) another completely unrelated project I did 😆

Sam Ritchie22:06:19

portal as a TeX REPL:

💯 16
awesome 4
🎉 2
Sam Ritchie22:06:02

@djblue one thing that WOULD be nice would be to be able to specify default viewers for some type like emmy.expression/Literal without having the instances having to carry around metadata. can I do that somehow? configure some list of predicate => default?


Currently, the easiest place to do something like this is via a custom submit function. Does that type live on the jvm or js?

Sam Ritchie22:06:07

will custom submit cause problems for something like Clojure Notebooks?


Yeah, this wouldn't work with clojure notebooks. However, I'm open to adding extension points, just not sure what they are yet.

Sam Ritchie22:06:22

I guess by “cause problems” I mean, is there a way to specify that clojure notebooks should use my custom submit function

Sam Ritchie22:06:06

I guess we want something like middleware on the JVM side

Sam Ritchie22:06:22

I’ve got to run for now but this was great, and so easy to add!!

👍 2