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Luke Johnson16:11:40

Just in case anybody missed the earlier posts, @djblue is giving a talk “” in just a few hours. It would be awesome to come and support Chris and it will be a great way to learn more about Portal and how it can benefit any project!

Ziad Salah17:11:07

Hello, thanks for sharing this 🙂 do I need a meetup account to attend?

Ziad Salah18:11:10

Never mind found my login details!

Ziad Salah18:11:33

Thank you! I'm attending it 🙂

Ziad Salah20:11:54

Great talk @djblue, thanks for doing it!

❤️ 1
Luke Johnson20:11:33

I use portal every day, but I still learned some new things. Thanks, Chris!

❤️ 1
Ziad Salah20:11:54

Thanks for posting the link here earlier, glad I got to attend 🙂

toot 1

Thanks for everyone who attended the talk! Let me know if you have any lingering questions :thumbsup:

👍 2
R.A. Porter20:11:22

Trying to figure out how to do the equivalent of an alter-var-root on in my dev environment. I'll probably check @U04V70XH6's dotfiles since he's probably already figured it out. 🙂

💯 1

@U01GXCWSRMW Since it's a layer of macros on top, the best you can do is target*

R.A. Porter23:11:32

Yeah. I got as far as seeing there were macros in the way, but hadn't dived down yet. Thanks for the direction! 👍


(and, yes, this is in my dev.clj in my dot-clojure repo)

👍 1

Awesome talk, now I'm trying to setup the logging/tracing on cljs


Hi all, The recording of tonight's event is now available on our Youtube channel: Thinking with Portal (by Chris Badahdah)

👍 8
🔥 1

Dang, that was fast! Thanks @U0LCHMJTA!


night fun, integrating Portal with Pathom Viz!

awesome 4
🔥 5

and great presentation today @djblue! I wasn't aware of diff, and now its 🤯

❤️ 2
Lukas Domagala00:11:06

you are using iframe for that, right?


Same — diff and deref !!! 🔥🔥 beautiful work! PS: go to definition is amazing. But while watching video, seeing it in non-IntelliJ context was startling, and was left wondering how it actually works — how does portal tell an editor to to navigate somewhere?


Ah, got it! So there's a web server running in Portal in the REPL — cool that there's a way to get info or actions back into the program. How does Portal viewer gets messages from REPL? WS? PS: great work in the video. Seeing diff with was 🤯🤯. As well as editor navigation and deref of selected value!

thanks3 1

Yup, Portal does bi-directional RPC via WS :thumbsup:


Was thinking how great it was to have these ability to do more things than just push data into Portal viewer — deref, commands, etc. Opens up a whole world of possibilities!