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I'm curious about why there is not a clojure conf talk on polylith? I presume it is because talks take a lot of work... or the people involved feel the other online talks are good enough? Also jumping to another part of the world to talk for 45 minutes might not be the best way to use critical resources, etc...


It would be really cool if people who use it in their daily work could talk about their experiences with Polylith at a conference. I think it’s more interesting to hear how it’s really used and what problems it solves in real production systems.


I thought about it but I pretty much stopped speaking at conferences a decade ago (after a couple of decades of regularly speaking at conferences and user groups around the world, about various tech).


Preparing and giving a talk is an enormous amount of work and can be very stressful.


Definitely -- that's why I stopped doing it: so I could actually enjoy the conference without all that work and stress 🙂