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Thomas Moerman15:08:49

FYI, when switching from 0.2.14-alpha to 0.2.15-alpha I encountered an EOF error caused by a clojure file I commented out for .. reasons. I figured out which file was the offending one by redefining the file/read-first-statement fn to give me some feedback on the misbehaving file:

(let [old-fn file/read-first-statement]
  (with-redefs [file/read-first-statement
                (fn [path]
                    (old-fn path)
                    (catch Exception e
                      (throw (Exception. (str "failed for path: " path))))))]
    (let [input (input/extract-params "")]
      (-> input command/execute-command))))


Hi @U052A8RUT. Maybe you can send me the file you have problems with, or link to it?

Thomas Moerman18:08:19

It's just a regular clojure file but commented out entirely. It's not really a bug in 0.2.15, but this kind of invalid clojure file was tolerated in 0.2.14.

Thomas Moerman18:08:04

Not a big problem but I wanted to let you guys know, in case anyone else encountered it.


Okay, got it. Thanks!

Teemu Kaukoranta05:10:17

We also ran into this issue