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I'm thinking it makes sense to have my db pool as context accessible from an http request
@emccue if you mean having an interceptor execute prior to any handler irrespective of route then you can create a common-interceptors coll and add it there. The buddy-auth sample does this to ensure the authentication interceptors are executed for each route (
How do I know which websocket session sent the message here?
this was the sample listener
(defn ws-listener
[_request _response ws-map]
(proxy [WebSocketAdapter] []
(onWebSocketConnect [^Session ws-session]
(proxy-super onWebSocketConnect ws-session)
(when-let [f (:on-connect ws-map)]
(f ws-session)))
(onWebSocketClose [status-code reason]
(when-let [f (:on-close ws-map)]
(f (.getSession this) status-code reason)))
(onWebSocketError [^Throwable e]
(when-let [f (:on-error ws-map)]
(f (.getSession this) e)))
(onWebSocketText [^String message]
(when-let [f (:on-text ws-map)]
(f (.getSession this) message)))
(onWebSocketBinary [^bytes payload offset length]
(when-let [f (:on-binary ws-map)]
(f (.getSession this) payload offset length)))))
;; in your service map:
::http/container-options {:context-configurator #(ws/add-ws-endpoints % ws-paths {:listener-fn ws-listener})}
no prob, I've been meaning to try this out too. would be great if you don't mind posting your working service setup when you have one
@isak I hacked together the above sample, inspired by Hit me up if you cannot get it to work.
cool @hindol.adhya @danvingo, I just got it to work. Btw I noticed it is pretty hard to get a good reloading experience with the socket handlers, but here is one thing that works:
Yeah Java code is calling into this code. Reloading should work with the right indirection in place.
i'm writing a 'not found' interceptor to send all requests that were not fulfilled to another backend server and passes through its response to the output. all works, except for requests w/ a really large body, the body gets cut off in the output. it's complete in the request though. when i println the request i can see the entire body. but the output is truncated. i'm using immutant though jetty does the same. what could be causing this?
(defn send-request
(println request)
(let [params {:url (str (config/env :neo-api-url) (:uri request))
:body (:body request)
:method (:request-method request)
:socket-timeout 10000 ;; in milliseconds
:connection-timeout 1000
:headers (merge (:headers request)
{:authorization (str "Bearer " (config/env :neo-api-token))
:accept "application/vnd.ucf.v1+json"})}
response (client/request params)]
(println response)
(catch Exception e
(timbre/warn "Could not reach API server" e))))
(def passthrough
{:name ::passthrough
:leave (fn [context]
(let [request (:request context)]
(assoc context :response (send-request request))))})
i think the issue is the headers coming back esp content-length. i updated the code to only take the body and put it in a new response and it's working now:
(assoc context :response (response/response (:body (send-request request))))))})
is there an interceptor or other way to define params using plumatic schema like compojure-api/reitit or some other way of declarative parameter handling? other than using the reitit router in pedestal that is
Hi, have you looked at ?