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Ben Hammond09:04:06

what is the current status of fern in vase? I just failed to load deps dependency

{:deps {com.cognitect/pedestal.vase {:mvn/version "0.9.4-SNAPSHOT"}
from Clojars
{:deps {com.cognitect/pedestal.vase {:git/url ""
                                     :sha "d882bc8f28e8af2077b55c80e069aa2238f646b7"}
works of course; is that my only option if I want to use fern?


@ben.hammond on the back burner atm. We’ve not officially released a version of vase using Fern. There are a few changes I’d like to make before doing that. Just need the time.

👍 4
Ben Hammond13:04:13

are there any nasty surprises to be aware of? can I have multiple .fern files that I can link together? do I have to shoehorn everything into one file?


Nast surprises -> not that I know of Multiple file support/using one file -> Vase expects your service config to be in a single file

Ben Hammond13:04:32

and if I want some kind of (fern/lit include-file then I need to write my own ?


@ben.hammond I’d avoid getting too clever, though. reading in schema as edn should be fine but partitioning config and accessing parent config env in included files is a different matter. The later is not possible


If you do want to partition your config into separate files and access env across them then consider a pre-processing step which joins them prior to loading them.

👍 4

Yeah. I suppose that could be done. Fern supports plugins

Ben Hammond13:04:51

once you start sticking datomic schema in there, I can imagine a single config file getting bloated pretty quickly


Yeah, I could see how it could get large.


The primary issue I’d like to resolve before cutting another release is

👍 4

I wrote my first API using pedestal and everything works with lein run or using an uberjar, but not inside a container. I tracked it down to a step with a POST call (using clj-http-lite , but I also tried hato ) to GraphQL. Everything works on the REPL outside the container. Could this be related to pedestal, or should I look elsewhere? I tried using both immutant and jetty and it doesn’t make a difference. My host is set to because otherwise I couldn’t send requests to the container


Most likely a Docker issue. If you are on Linux, maybe try enabling host networking?


sounds like a docker network issue; I would make sure the right address and port are reachable.