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@ikitommi you can use response-for
with async interceptors. Refer to
ah that’s my fault. You can find release notes here:
@ddeaguiar thanks. But I’m poiking with the interceptor chain directly.
(require '[io.pedestal.interceptor.chain :as pc])
(require '[io.pedestal.interceptor :as pi])
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(-> {:kikka "kukka"}
(pc/enqueue [(pi/interceptor {:enter identity})])
;=> {:kikka "kukka"}
(-> {:kikka "kukka"}
(pc/enqueue [(pi/interceptor {:enter (fn [ctx] (a/go ctx))})])
;=> nil
It works if I add a custom interceptor as first into the queue and write the value into a promise which i deref outside of the chain, but looking for a better way.
IC, I recall having a workaround for testing requests satisfied by async interceptors before response-for handled them but it eludes me atm. I’ll try and remember
@ikitommi here’s what I did in the past. I tend to avoid with-redefs
but I found this useful. I’m sure there are better ways, though.
I think that could be interesting outside of tests too, as the interceptor chain can be run as standalone too.
One solution would be to add a second arity to execute with a second argument which is a callback called when all done.
(let [on-complete (promise)]
(-> {:kikka "kukka"}
(pc/enqueue [(pi/interceptor {:enter (fn [ctx] (a/go ctx))})])
(pc/execute on-complete)
(deref on-complete 1000 ::timeout))