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Hey all, i'm trying simple stuff but i'm struggling. I just want a list of entities that I can retrieve with a global resolver: Example below. Am I on the right track ? Really a tought time with the syntax also, query are one vector, two vectors or maps in vector... who knows :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
Example data :
{:id 1 :when "14.01.24"}
{:id 2 :when "13.01.24"}
{:id 3 :when "12.01.24"}
(pc/defresolver reservation-resolver [env {:keys [id]}]
{::pc/input #{:id}
::pc/output [:when]}
(get-it-from-somewhere id))
(pc/defresolver all-reservations-resolver [_ _]
{::pc/output [:all-reservations]}
{:all-reservations (get-all-of-them)})
Queries :
(pathom-parser {} [:all-reservations])
(pathom-parser {} [[:all-reservations] [:id :when]])
(pathom-parser {} [[:all-reservations] [:id :when]])
looks odd.
i think that you are trying to do (pathom-parser {} [{:all-reservations [:id :when]}])