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Does anyone have an example doing mutations with pathom3-graphql? Maybe it’s in the docs and I’m just missing it, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to make it work yet.

Tyler Nisonoff21:01:53

do these docs help at all? Haven't tried it yet, but found these helpful for reads!


Thanks for the pointer Tyler. Unfortunately, they pretty much describe what I’m doing. The only difference I see it that I am quoting the list form so Clojure doesn’t try to evaluate it as a function.


So, I eventually figure out what was going wrong. One problem I had, was sending an enum type value as a string. GraphQL did not like having the value in quotes. The other thing I found necessary to make mutations work was to not use the mutation by itself. I had to ask for some value back or it would blow up. So, this works,

  [{`(gql.Mutation/createComputingDeviceAsset {:input {:name "CoolName" :asset_type computing_device}})
But, this,
  [`(gql.Mutation/createComputingDeviceAsset {:input {:name "CoolName" :asset_type computing_device}})])
And, this, do not.
  [{`(gql.Mutation/createComputingDeviceAsset {:input {:name "CoolName" :asset_type "computing_device"}})

Tyler Nisonoff19:01:28

ahhh thanks for updating here, will be helpful for me when I try 😄


@U0EFQAS4B I just stopped to have a look, but seems like you got it figured out, is there still any issue blocking you?


No, no blockers at the moment. I am able to move forward with my patched version of the library and calling the mutations as described.


patched pathom3-graphql? or something in your end?


pathom3-graphql I had to fix it to be able to call p.gql/connect-graphql without crashing. But it’s more a hack to get it working that a real fix.


Happy to send it to you if you want it though.


sure, I would like to see, happy to check a PR, and we can work together on the real fix, I like to see what you had to change

👍 1