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Dallas Surewood02:12:38

Is there something extra I Need to download to get pathom3 working with clj-kondo? I get a lot of linting errors around the resolver symbols

Ben Wadsworth14:12:49

Look into configuration for clj-kondo you'll add something like

{:lint-as {com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation/defmutation clojure.core/defn
           com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation/defresolver clojure.core/defn}}
to the configuration for it. So no, nothing extra to download from Pathom3 - just some configuration you need to specify for clj-kondo on how to handle those macro definitions

🙌 1

Pathom 3 does provide those, you ask kondo to download lint config from deps using: clj-kondo --lint "$(clojure -Spath)" --copy-configs --skip-lint

👀 1
Dallas Surewood15:12:13

Seems like this was done automatically for me on my mac but not windows. I'll have to take a look as to why