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Hi, @wilkerlucio. I was reading about the dynamic resolvers but I couldn't really understand what it does... can you give an example, maybe something that don't depend on external systems so it's easier to get?


the thing is that dynamic resolvers are about external systems, its a way to “mask” part of a subquery to send to some external system (or to process the eql in some custom way, like walkable does)


but I’ll see if I can coin some other examples


Hi, I’m having a weird problem with Viz (im on the latest 2021.7.16 and 2021.07.15-1 of the connector). Traces for whatever reason just don’t show up, even though everything else seems fine. If i run something like

(-> (p3/parser  {}
        [`(:location/suggestions {:search "fortleza"})])
I get the run-stats in the repl, the request and response show up in Viz, but never any trace (or graph and node detail) info.


are you using p3 namespace connector?


hmm let me confirm


looks like it

(:require [ :as pvc]
            [ :as p.connector] 


       (log/error error :node node)))})
    (p.connector/connect-env {::pvc/parser-id `env}))


not sure them, can you make a reproducible example?


it’s in a big project now lol, but yeah let me see if i can create something stripped down, will shoot it over if it persists


ok.. so i suspect there’s some dependency weirdness. I created a minimal project, and just copied in the code from the example in the docs and of course it worked fine. then copied the same code into my code base, and same issue. so gonna compare the resolved deps


ok so. i’m an idiot lol. after, getting my test project to exact dependency parity, etc, traces were working fine. So then i stripped down my user.clj in my actual project to require nothing, and the traces magically showed up. long story short, lol, because of an issue with the transit version on older versions of datomic cloud, i’d put in a hack to define cognitect.transit/write-meta as null to keep things from blowing up, along with a note to take it out as soon as the server dependency issue got fixed. Sorta didn’t get around to the last part lol