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I am returning tempids from one of my mutations with pathom3 but noticed that it's not returning them. I thought that was working earlier but now I am rather confused. Is there a pathom3 equivalent of
::p/env {::pc/mutation-join-globals [:tempids]}
not yet, but that’s something I’m interested in making work
I think we need a new plugin entry for the planner to make this work
I solved a similar problem using ::pf.eql/wrap-map-select-entry
Here’s a link to the code which I think could work (unless the plugins have changed since I wrote that code)
that’s a valid option 👍
I was playing with one that can be more performant, by manipulating the AST before the whole process happens
(defn mutation-join-globals [globals]
(fn [process]
(fn [env ast]
(process env
(update ast :children
(fn [{:keys [type children] :as ast}]
(if (and (= type :call)
(seq children))
(update ast :children into (map (fn [k] {:type :prop :dispatch-key k :key k})) globals)
(pco/defmutation foo []
{::pco/op-name 'foo}
{:value 2
:tempids {1 "meh"}})
(let [env (-> (pci/register
(p.plugin/register (mutation-join-globals [:tempids])))]
(meta (p.eql/process env [{'(foo {:bar "baz"}) [:value]}])))
@bbss walking the code I remembered another simpler option for this:
(let [env (-> (pci/register
(update :com.wsscode.pathom3.format.eql/map-select-include
coll/sconj :tempids))]
(p.eql/process env [{'(foo {:bar "baz"}) [:value]}]))
one thing to consider there, is that it will affect not just mutations, but any entity that has the :tempids
key@bbss walking the code I remembered another simpler option for this:
(let [env (-> (pci/register
(update :com.wsscode.pathom3.format.eql/map-select-include
coll/sconj :tempids))]
(p.eql/process env [{'(foo {:bar "baz"}) [:value]}]))
one thing to consider there, is that it will affect not just mutations, but any entity that has the :tempids