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We are running into some serious pathom2 performance issues. We're running 2.3.0. I have APM enabled and can see a crazy amount of request time is eaten up by p/map-reader
. It's getting called 40k+ times for a single request. This resolver is returning ~1.5k maps, each with 10+ attributes in them, so I imagine that is what's causing Pathom to spin its wheels. From my resolver, I am adding (with-meta x {::p/final true})
since I remember reading that is how you can force Pathom to not loop through every result attribute. It, however, does not seem to have any impact. This particular query will actually hit 2 resolvers, which could be important. The first returns a list of relevant IDs and the second is a batch? true that returns the 10+ attributes I mentioned earlier. The latter is also the one that wraps its result in ::p/final. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?
hello Kenny, p/map-reader is what reads the data from the entity and places in the final map, 1.5k maps is a lot of maps, if you let Pathom do the sequence processing its likely to add that kind of overhead. How long is the request taking?
the cases in which I had to deal with large sequences in Pathom 2 was to make the list itself final, so Pathom doenst have to traverse the items, but that would involve pulling the logic out of internal resolvers and manually doing it when you generate the collection, then you make that collection final
since you told me you are using hte batch, so that means pathom still has to process each entry, the final means "dont process futher", but in this case you already in the items of the collection
Not sure I'm following ๐ I essentially have this:
(pc/defresolver my-foo-list-resolver
[env _]
{::pc/input #{}
::pc/output {:foos [:foo/id]}}
(let [id-list (get-id-list)]
{:foos id-list}))
(pc/defresolver my-resolver
[env xs]
{::pc/input #{:foo/id}
::pc/output (get-output-pattern)
::pc/transform pc/transform-batch-resolver}
(let [long-list (get-long-list xs)]
(with-meta long-list {::p/final true})))
This request will first hit a resolver with returns a list of :foo/id
s. Pathom will then call my-resolver
in batch mode. is where I am getting my info from.
lets think about how pathom does the process, the resolver first returns a list with ids (like you said), then it runs the batch, in this sense, we can see we are allowing pathom to process the sequence items
the way in which ::p/final
can help you, is to avoid process the list, completly
is the one who needs to get the final list ready (and with a final meta), this way pathom is cut out, and you can optimize there
returning ::p/final
as the meta in a standard resolver response will never work, because that data is merged "sideways" (pathom gets the resolver response, and merges it in the current entity)
in this "sideways" process, its already a pathom thing, so there is nothing to "stop" there
the ::p/final
must always comes as part of meta of some sub-data (a map or sequence), because them pathom is still going to start process that path, and if it finds ::p/final
, it stops at that point
examples of valid ways to use ::p/final
(writing just the resolver response map for illustration):
; don't process nested list
{:some-large-list ^::p/final [{:col 1} {:col "of"} {:col "items"}]}
; don't process nested map
{:some-large-map ^::p/final {:im "a" :really "long" :map "that" :already "has" :all "the" :data "here"}}
Right. It sounds like they key is that I can't have Pathom call any nested resolvers though.
I hope Pathom 3 does better (and benchmarks tell so, but still to see a real app improvement from future portings)
yup, the final is a scape hatch, but then its up to you to make that part faster, this is usually more useful for simple long maps, where you already have the data upfront and pathom is just filtering the result (than you cut the filtering part)
I've been following Pathom 3 ๐ Been itching to switch to it but it doesn't sound like it is production ready yet.
my plan is to announce as a beta soon
the API is mostly stable (the external ones are, but I'm still reversing myself the right to rename some internals at this point)
What if I call the parser from within my-foo-list-resolver? The ::p/final would apply, correct?
it would, but if you do that you pretty much paying the same price, just in a different place
(unless you do the calls in some more optimal way, cutting some corners)
How so? e.g.,
(pc/defresolver my-foo-list-resolver
[env _]
{::pc/input #{}
::pc/output {:foos [:foo/id]}}
(let [id-list (get-id-list)
long-list (parser env (my-query id-list))]
{:foos (with-meta long-list {::p/final true})}))
(pc/defresolver my-resolver
[env xs]
{::pc/input #{:foo/id}
::pc/output (get-output-pattern)
::pc/transform pc/transform-batch-resolver}
(let [long-list (get-long-list xs)]
(with-meta long-list {::p/final true})))
yeah, that code would pretty much do the same as just letting pathom do it
because the parser is going to loop over your entities and process than
that's the same that was happening before
lets come back, my suggestion to use ::p/final depends on you making your own processing for the nested items, that needs to be made faster than how Pathom can do it (which isn't that hard, since you don't have to care about many things that pathom does)
but if you want to make it faster and optimized, you have to process your collection yourself (without resolvers help)
that's how ::p/final
can be faster, because you let go of using pathom for that portion where you need a faster loop to processa a long sequence (long sequences performance in Pathom 2 isn't that good, Pathom is optimized for complex requests with small output, large outputs pay cost)
if you have the time, I would love to hear if Pathom 3 can do better, and by how much
if you are not using many plugins or dynamic resolvers (like graphql stuff), the port to experiment (you can just port this specific part to try out) should be an easy setup to check the difference
are you using the serial parser, right?
This is our plugins list
[(p/env-plugin (merge {::p/process-error eql-error-handler}
(pc/connect-plugin {::pc/register (get-registry)})
(fn [env]
(merge env (eql-parameter-lookup (::p/root-query env)))))
;; removes ::p/not-found from outputs
(p/post-process-parser-plugin p/elide-not-found)]
cool, seems simple, just have to port the eql-parameter-lookup, but I guess for the perf testing you can just avoid it
here you can see the latest benchmark comparisons I did with Pathom versions:
I really hope some of those can translate in real gains for user apps
My guess it it'd "just work." It just adds some eql info to the env:
(defn eql-parameter-lookup
(let [ast (eql/query->ast query)
params (into {}
(keep (fn [node]
(when (seq (:params node))
[(:key node) (:params node)])))
(:children ast))]
{:cs.eql/root-query-ast ast
:cs.eql/ident->params params}))
(specially in those cases where CPU gets intensive)
Yeah, I read that and was excited to try it. Primary concern is breakage or any bugs with non-prod lib.
yeah, I feel you, and I can't say Pathom 3 is prod ready yet, I hope that once the beta is out, we can start porting users to go though the "bug crunch" phase
So ultimately, for places where perf is critical, I cannot use Pathom list processing at all. I must "flatten" the resolvers such that all list data is outputted from a single resolver.
yeah, if you have long lists, there is a lot going on to process details, and unfortunately the implementation for Pathom 2 ends up adding too much in these cases
that was surely one of my biggest motivations to make Pathom 3, make it faster to extend the use cases where it can work:slightly_smiling_face:
I half inclined to just try 3 since I feel our Pathom setup is very vanilla. Sometimes the bugs can be quite nuanced though, so I am a bit concerned there.
yeah, the change in processing algorithm is surely scary, because its trading the problem you know for one you don't, and its really hard to know which kind of problems may surface... that said, the only way to find them is trying it out
yes, that's quite different actually, were you using the plugin to pull errors up? (you could be doing on the client), because the easy error path in Pathom 3 looks more like that
here you can find information on Pathom 3 and errors:
also check this built-in plugin:
Ok. Thanks for the help with identifying the problem here. I have a clear path on how to fix it.
where do I catch mutation errors in p3? calling (mutation env ast)
in wrap-mutate
just returns timing stats
mutation erros come as the mutation result, not sure if you are seeing a bug or missed expectation, can you send an example of what you trying to do?
(pco/defmutation subscribe [_ _] (throw (ex-info "Error" {}))) ::pcr/wrap-mutate (fn [mutation] (fn [env {:keys [key] :as ast}] (-> (mutation env ast) (p/then' (fn [result] (log/spy result) (some-> (get result key) ::pcr/mutation-error #(u/log ::mutation-error :exception %)) result) )))) result => {app.model.subscription/subscribe {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.runner/node-run-start-ms 7.5366440645885E7, :com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.runner/mutation-run-start-ms 7.5366440645885E7, :com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.runner/mutation-run-finish-ms 7.5366441060086E7, :com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.runner/node-run-finish-ms 7.5366441089373E7}}
can I log the mutation error in that plugin, or should it be somewhere else? the error does appear in the final result returned from from eql/process
had you tried using catch
instead of then
to find the error?
thats an interesting example, I have no code testing async extensions on mutations errors, this may require code changes, or some new docs to explain
I admit I actually didn't even try catch
, but it still seems to be the same behavior: only the p/then path is taken
(-> (mutation env ast) (p/then (fn [result] (log/spy result))) (p/catch (fn [result] (log/spy result)) ))
cool, I can't look in it right now, but I'll do later today
@U797MAJ8M was a bug, fixed on master, here is an example to track and log errors for async runners:
(let [env (-> (pci/register
(pco/mutation 'foo {} (fn [_ _] (throw (ex-info "Error" {})))))
(fn [mutation]
(fn [env ast]
; running mutation inside p/do! allow us to use catch to capture both
; sync and async errors
(-> (p/do! (mutation env ast))
(p/catch (fn [e]
; log error here, and make sure you return the
; error at the end
@(p.async.eql/process env ['(foo)]))
glad to help, also check p/let
, I find that super useful
I think the last commit has a regression: ast only has the value map of`:params` in it. maybe this should be ast
on this line?
::pcr/wrap-mutate (fn [mutation] (fn [env {:keys [key] :as ast}] (log/info ast) ...))
ast there is equivalent to the old (get ast :params)
, so key
is niloh, sorry, you are right, this was because I also wanted to enable the user to override the output, and for that I changed the place of invocation of it, fixing it now
fixed on master
per the fulcro book, Iโve got my user ns set up something like:
(tools-ns/set-refresh-dirs "src/my_dir")
(def system-atom (atom (server/system :dev)))
(defn start
(swap! system-atom component/start))
(defn restart
(swap! system-atom component/stop)
(tools-ns/refresh :after 'user/start))
my parser creation seems p straightforward:
(defn make-parser [system-config env-entities]
{::pathom/env (merge {::pathom/reader [pathom/map-reader
::pathom/placeholder-prefixes #{">"}}
::pathom/mutate pathom-connect/mutate
::pathom/plugins [(pathom-connect/connect-plugin {::pathom-connect/register (concat parser-mutations/mutations
(defrecord Parser [datomic system-config]
(start [component]
(if-not (:parser component)
(timbre/log :info {:message "Instantiating parser"})
(assoc component :parser (make-parser system-config {:datomic-conn (:conn datomic)})))
(stop [component]
(if (:parser component)
(timbre/log :info {:message "Destroying parser"})
(assoc component :parser nil))