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@myguidingstar I suggest you use the async-parser
for that
Hey all, how does HTTP/CDN caching work for pathom/transit? Can it be done? If yes, is purging the cache straight forward?
If you wanted to do http caching of eql queries, you could try passing the eql as a query param. Pathom doesn't specify how eql gets from your client to the server. That is completely up to you.
@wilkerlucio my question is what else I need to change to use async, given that I use (-> env ::pcp/node)
in my dynamic resolver
that could be a bug, does it work normally on sync parsers but not on async?
yes, it works on sync
I tried p/parallel-parser
and async-parser
, but ::pcp/node
returns nil
in both cases, so I guess there's something I miss
my bad, I pass the wrong order of params to resolve function
(-> env ::pcp/node)
does work for async parser
@wilkerlucio FYI Import of latest v 1.0.10 to cljdoc failed
Are there any good examples of using the parser? I'm still new to clojure, got my api data sources all wired up into pathom, and now I can't seem to figure out how no run multiple queries and pull the data out. I can do 1, and I get the data in a PersistentArrayMap but I'm kinda lost at that point...
@michael819 you could take a look at pathom's tests.
I have been looking at those, but when I run a query I get a map back with the query as the key, but in those tests it looks like there is no key, just a map of results
Also perhaps a little less involved:
How are you calling the parser?
(parser {} [{[:ddi/ip ""] [:ddi/name :ddi/mac :aci/mac]}])
{[:ddi/ip ""] {:ddi/name "", :ddi/mac "00:25:b5:21:a0:57", :aci/mac "00:25:b5:21:a0:57"}}
That looks right to me
The key in your result map is the ident for which you made the query
And the value has all the attributes you queried for
Yeah, but in the tests for pathom his = assertions all just have the results, without the ident key
Can you link to a specific test?
(is (= (parser {} [:foo])
{:foo "bar"}))
(is (= (parser {} [:foo :aa])
{:foo "bar"
:aa :not-found}))
From here:
All the assertions are just for the results, there is no map key for the ident, which is what confused me.
The link you provided is much clearer, I see you using select-keys and get to pull the results out using the ident.
Those tests aren't using pathom connect, which is why the result structure is different.
I won't recommend looking at pathom's tests in the future; they aren't super helpful for a beginner, it seems! 😅
Even the connect tests are mostly verifying internals or seem to be constructed to verify certain bits of behavior rather than to illustrate how the parser is meant to be used.
I thought the developer guide was good except that one thing, everything in there doesn't show how to really use the parser.
@michael819 Top level keys like that are another way to use the parser. In my experience they're usually used to get to a set of entities, but they can also be used as global constants (or to do something like inject the current timestamp) as they seem to be in the test you linked. You could reproduce the parser from your test with this resolver:
(defresolver foo-resolver [_ _]
{::pc/input #{}
::pc/output [:foo]}
{:foo "bar"})
(def parser ...)
(parser {} [:foo])
{:foo "bar"}
Here's an actual resolver from the project the blog post I linked above was talking about that also uses a top level key:
(defresolver created-gift-lists
[{::db/keys [pool] :keys [requester-id]} _]
{::pc/input #{}
::pc/output [{:created-gift-lists [::gift-list/id]}]}
(db/execute! pool
{:select []
:from [[:gift_list :gl]]
:where [:= requester-id :gl.created_by_id]
:order-by [:gl.created_at]})})
(def parser ...)
(parser {:requester-id 1} [{:created-gift-lists [::gift-list/id]}])
{:created-gift-lists [{::gift-list/id 1} {::gift-list/id 2}]}
I'm sure Wilker talks about this in at least one of his talks. Maybe this one?
@wilkerlucio I have this piece of code that works on clj but somehow slightly incorrect in cljs
I guess it's a bug with async planner in cljs