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hm the example here: doesn’t seem to work because namespaces like don’t exist
Hm. The examples are using fulcro 2 ... This needs to be updated. 😉
@roklenarcic yeah, for F2, I don't have a shared library with that yet, but you can use this (rename the ns
to something that makes sense to you):
(ns remote-pathom
(:require [edn-query-language.core :as eql]
[com.wsscode.common.async-cljs :refer [<?maybe]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.tx-processing :as txn]
[cljs.core.async :refer [go]]))
(defn pathom-remote [parser]
{:transmit! (fn transmit! [_ {::txn/keys [ast result-handler]}]
(let [edn (eql/ast->query ast)
ok-handler (fn [result]
(result-handler (assoc result :status-code 200))
(catch :default e
(js/console.error e "Result handler for remote failed with an exception."))))
error-handler (fn [error-result]
(result-handler (merge error-result {:status-code 500}))
(catch :default e
(js/console.error e "Error handler for remote failed with an exception."))))]
(ok-handler {:body (<?maybe (parser {} edn))})
(catch :default e
(js/console.error "Pathom Remote error:" e)
(error-handler {:body e}))))))})
A Small lib to qualify/unqualify data with #pathom Docs still WIP.
I’m trying to dispatch a server-property load!
call in fulcro to a pathom resolver with params. the server property seems to be getting picked up properly, but the params
I added in the options map of load!
don’t seem to be getting parsed by pathom and fed into my resolver as params. any suggestions for how to debug?
There's a Pathom plugin from Fulcro RAD that will fix this. This one is just slightly altered:
(def query-params-to-env-plugin
"Adds top-level load params to env, so nested parsing layers can see them."
(fn [parser]
(fn [env tx]
(let [children (-> tx eql/query->ast :children)
query-params (-> (->> children
(fn [qps {:keys [type params] :as x}]
(cond-> qps
(and (not= :call type) (seq params)) (merge params)))
(dissoc :pathom/context))
env (assoc env :query-params query-params)]
(parser env tx))))})