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How to start workspaces in pathom project?


@souenzzo npx shadow-cljs watch workspaces


workspaces did not help me. Should I start a simple http server to make an "echo" test on com.wsscode.pathom.diplomat.http.clj-http ?


yeah, you must on CLJ, I suggest a regular REPL for it


do you use cursive?


I already tested on repl. I'm talking about "unit" test. like com.wsscode.pathom.diplomat.http.fetch-test/test-request-async


most of the library is tested using the standard clj test


you can create a new file and write a simple one there at same folder, clj_http_test.clj


thanks! merged, I'm currently in the middle of documenting some new things for the release of 2.2.0, should be out this week and will include the new driver

👍 4

Now pathom have 2 "server" drivers 😄


@wilkerlucio I'm planning a new application and I will use pathom to the backend. There is any advantage to use pathom also on client? How do you use pathom ?


@souenzzo I just use one or the other (server or client), usually I recommend the client version when the user can't use the server one (generally people trying to use fulcro that don't want to invest in a server just to route things)

👍 4

Hello people, Pathom 2.2.0 is very close to be ready, I just released the 2.2.0-RC1, I've been a bit quite about it but this update brings a lot of new goodies to the library, the highlights are: * A guide to leverage the new features is provided in the book (no breaking changes from 2.1.0, you can update the library and upgrade the details when it's convenient for you): * Parallel parser with automatic coordination using connect, I updated the docs prividing information about how it works, you can find at: * Tracer feature that will replace the old profiler, the profiler before could only measure the times of reads, the tracer is more dynamic, event based tracing for the parser, it can annotate any sug-segments * New format to define resolvers/mutations that are pure data (just maps), this new method facilitates the use of shared resolvers/mutations, example libraries coming soon! * All the book examples were updated to use the new map format an encourage it, and there are new sections for parallel parser and other sections got updated * The book examples now use the Query Editor from Pathom Viz, so you can get auto-complete and tracing features as you try to book! (try it out, its pretty cool, try the parallel parser demo example: Full list of changes at: I'm releasing the RC1 here just to make sure the full release its stable, I recommend everyboedy to upgrade and please let me know if you find any issues, after a few days if nothing comes up I can release 2.2.0 and announce it broader, thanks!

👏 12

@souenzzo your http driver is there too 😉