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Two libraries I've been tinkering on on and off, and that I hope to make more ready for general consumption in the near future • repl-friendly Jack JNA wrapper - originally intended as an alternative on linux for the built-in java midi stuff which isn't as good, but also works great e.g. for integrating with jack transport • Sequencer for overtone, currently based on jack transport, but I'm planning to abstract that out so it can also just use at-at for its timing

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Pretty happy with both of these, the sequencer uses a [bar beat tick] format that should be familiar to folks who've used Akai MPC machines, and which is quite intuitive for music IMO


(I know there are a bunch of different approaches for sequencing things with overtone... this one's mine :D)


hmmm I realize I don't have very good examples of how to use it, I'll tinker up some demo namespace 🙂


basically you register tracks or loops, and then register a function that responds when the notes are triggered


requires there to be a jack time leader that sets correct bar/beat/tick jack position information


nice, will the midi support high resolution pitch bends? That’s the thing that bugs me the most in the current java implementation


Not sure but I would imagine so

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BTW the stringed-instrument stuff is currently broken on main, I was a bit too fast in merging. I have a cleaned up version, just need to submit a PR with it.