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That was a great talk. Good stuff @georgek ^^
Thanks! It was a lot of fun and some great questions! @maxk ours was a single instance approach. For our very conservative org, being able to deploy as a simple uberjar with not new system dependencies was a huge selling point!
@lucasbradstreet 25 for 8-core server/32gb ram. 25 is because there was 24 catalog functions, we've reduced it to 5 now
@georgek our motivation using ONYX to have horizontal scalability for free (well, almost for free). This is the third version of our stream processing/semantic reconciliation framework, two prev was implemented using python.
hi all, i'm having some trouble starting onyx with an out of process aeron media driver. my env and peer properties: :env-config {:zookeeper/server? false, :onyx.log/config {:level :info}, :onyx/tenancy-id hello1, :zookeeper/address, :zookeeper.server/port 2181}, :peer-config {:onyx/tenancy-id hello1, :onyx.messaging/allow-short-circuit? true, :onyx.messaging/impl :aeron, :onyx.log/config {:level :info}, :onyx.messaging/peer-port 40200, :zookeeper/address, :onyx.peer/job-scheduler :onyx.job-scheduler/balanced, :onyx.messaging.aeron/embedded-driver? false, :onyx.peer/zookeeper-timeout 60000, :onyx.messaging/bind-addr localhost} Running the aeron media driver as a separate process: (let [ctx (doto (MediaDriver$Context.)) media-driver (MediaDriver/launch ctx)] (println "Launched the Media Driver. Blocking forever...") (<!! (chan))) But I don't see any of the virtual peers started in the logs (and nothing in the onyx dashboard). Changing to an embedded driver allows the peers to start
@ben.mumford any errors on the media driver side? I would think that would be enough.
@lellis we build the media driver included in onyx core into a containers