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anyone else have DNS issues with ?
@michaeldrogalis @lucasbradstreet @colinhicks DNS issues with - thought you might like to know
Anyone experienced :cause "No response from driver within timeout" :data {:original-exception :io.aeron.exceptions.DriverTimeoutException}
Weird. Thanks @gmercer & @jasonbell. Just got on now. Wonder what happened.
@maxk Which version of Onyx are you on?
hi all, i'm having a little trouble with aero (i used the onyx starter to create my project): :zookeeper.server/port #profile {:prod #long #env ZK_PORT :dev 2181 :test 2188}
gives me Failed to validate "-c resources/config.edn": Not a valid Aero or EDN file
any ideas?
@maxk Embedded or external Aeron? Is it happening reliability, every time, or periodically? That’s usually indicative of resource underallocation
@ben.mumford Hmm, been a while since I’ve used Aero, but here’s a tip. Remove the reader literals one at a time until that particular error subsides.
For what it’s worth we don’t use Aero anymore, we grew into different patterns but haven’t updated the starter project. But anyway, yeah. One of those reader literals probably isn’t being recognized anymore.
what pattern do you use now?
Component around a config file, assoc’ing values read out of environment variables at boot up time.
@michaeldrogalis, behavior is the same for both embedded and external. With embedded task work some time and then fails, for external failed immediately
@maxk Do you have a sense of how frequently GC is running and its duration?
Aeron might be getting starved. Also how many peers are running per box?
@maxk Definitely look into the number of peers. The defaults are tuned for smaller numbers of high performance peers.